Thursday, September 11


And that's Olympus Stylus 1200. Here how it looks like:

We have been borrowing camera for our trips ever since I spoilt bee's camera last year at Rain's concert. So I am really happy to have a camera of our own.

This Olympus 1200 packs its features into an all-weather metal body that can handle rain, sleet and snow (well I know there is no snow in Spore?!!). 

This camera has got a very interesting feature called "smile mode".  The "smile" mode comes in handy when you deal with grouchy people. When the camera detects a fleeting smile in shooting standby mode, it quickly takes three frames in high-speed sequential shooting automatically (or you can do it manually). While this mode is selected, the self-timer blinks. People's smiles vary, of course, and the camera will not always be able to detect it.

I saw some very nice accessories for the camera! See:

I like the black & white strips sticker one. Looks fashionable. Imagine me wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of jeans and I hang this black & white strips camera around my neck - it's a totally nice combination! Oh I also like the casing! Dunno if I can buy in in Singapore?! Someone once said: 'A picture says a thousand words', that will save me the typing time. Heehee!! Nowadays, camera has become a fashion accessory that has somewhat become indispensable in this modern society. We're going kelong this weekend, I will take many photos with it! Yippee! =P 


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