Monday, September 22


This weekend from 26-28 Sept will be the arrival of the long awaited F1 Night Race. It is the first ever night race in the history of Formula 1. I will also be attending this race for all 3 nights. I have even thought of what to wear already. As Puma is one of the sponser for the Ferrari team, I managed to get hold of one of the Ferrari Puma top to wear on the actual race day itself to hype up the event.. well for myself! Here are some photos of the F1 Fever:

This is the box collected at Singpost for the F1 entry Tickets.

This is how it looks like inside the package.

The backcover gives the overview of the F1 race in Singapore.

The readme.

The entry card. One card for one day entry. Every card comes a lanyard. It's really equisitively designed.

The Seating map.

McLaren Race car outside Paragon for showcase. We also saw a Reuter reporter! But didn't managed to get on national TV though.

Me at Ayam Penyat Lucky Plaza!~ They served one of the best Ayam Penyat in Spore!!

Here how it looks like. Ayam Penyat goes well with Happy Soda!!! ~


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